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Updating Storj Share CLI

·1 min

StorJ is decentralize storage using block chain technology. I try to create a simple mining machine using Rock64 2GB + 32 GB SDcard.

Follow this step to upgrade your Storj CLI properly.

First of all you need to make sure you are not using the latest storj CLI by visiting this site.

Then you need to create a snapshot of your current node using this command:

storjshare save

Next, we need to stop all Storj daemon by using this command:

storjshare killall

Once the daemon stop, run this command to update your Storj CLI:

npm install -g storjshare-daemon

Make sure the installation is complete, otherwise run the command again. To make sure you you have the latest Storj CLI, run the command:

storjshare -V

You should see the latest daemon version. Last, run the daemon and load the snapshot you create using this command:

storjshare daemon && storjshare load

Now your Storj CLI should run properly with the latest version.