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Installing OpenNMS

·2 mins

OpenNMS is a monitoring tool used to check the service port by checking it every few seconds. For more information you can check their website OpenNMS.

This guide is created for straight forward installation after you install Ubuntu Server. To install ubuntu server you can follow this guide.

Before we move forward, we need to disable APT source that pointing to CD-ROM. Use below command to edit the source list using nano.

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Next, comment CD-ROM source by using # (Hashtag). Normally CD-ROM source starts with this string: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server]. Then press Ctrl+X then press y after that, press Enter to confirm. Make sure the CD-ROM source no longer listed by using command below:

sudo apt-get update

First of all we need 3 tools installed before we can install OpenNMS. The first tool is Java SDK. Use below command to install it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

The second and the third one are curl and net-tools. Curl tools will be used by OpenNMS automatic installation script. while net-tools will be used to determine our IP address. Used below command to install both tools.

sudo apt-get install curl \

Next, use command below to install OpenNMS:

curl -L | tar xz
cd opennms-install-1.1
sudo bash

After the installation use the command below to get your IP address:


Below is the output of the command and your IP address is in the location of the red rectangel:

IP Address

Then use the IP address + the standard OpenNMS port (8980) to access the web interface. Use admin for both user name and password to access (you can change it later).

Once success you will see below web interface:

OpenNMS Webview

Congratulation you just install OpenNMS.