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Hugo search doesn't work in firebase

·1 min

I’m pulling my hair because search function doesn’t work on my website. The error message has something to do with CORS is not allowed. I did some testing and the search function running well on default firebase url (I’m using custom domain name). After some googling and pulling some hair I got the solution. You need to add a header section into firebase.json.

below is the default firebase.json file:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "ignore": [

Now you need to change it into:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "ignore": [
    "headers": [
          "source": "**",
          "headers": [
                  "key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
                  "value": "*"

Now deploy your website and test it again. I hope it will help. ^^

Henry Thomas
Henry Thomas
Just a guy with a pen and a dream